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They're Cute, Young, Hung and Horny! Ahhh, Youth!There was a time of innocence in all our lives. Here is a chance to relive your sexual coming of age with a cast of video first-timers. Follow, young, nave Dean O'Connor from Wisconsin Venice Beach. There's more than sun and sand in store for our youthful traveler as he stumbles on a group of rollerbladers led by massively-hung 19-year-old Toby Donovan. His fellow skaters can't resist the lure of anonymous sex at the local restroom, and Dean can't resist them! When you're just out of high school there's no such thing as too much sex. Despite his escapades in "the head," Dean's fantasies trigger sex, sex, and more sex with and about this group of hot, young guys.

Duration: 86 minutes

Directed by: Matt Sterling 
Studio: Huge Video Matt Sterling Films 

Watch these pornstars in Mansized :
 • Don Camillo  • Zoly Mirlos  • Colby Tavers  • Gyorgy Lovas  • Attila Janos  • Laszlo Rab  • Giovanni Lucca  • Martin Cage  • Serge Timar  • Peter Peck


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