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Level 3: Nix Fur Weicheier

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Level 3: Nix Fur Weicheier

Baronessa di Rivera and Miss Emelie Bentley suddenly have a big slave-fish on their fishing-rod while they were enjoying the day at their personal lake. As a welcome gift he gets a severe kick into his bowel. The reptiles dick is being used as a target so that he has to endure really heavy pain. Both of the Mistresses are proving that even fishes can be afraid to drown. After that they are enjoying a nice water fight after which the loser gets tarred and feathered. A mercyless lashing of a peeping-tom makes this bizarre day perfect!

Duration: 62 minutes
From the series: Level

Studio: Carmen Rivera Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Level 3: Nix Fur Weicheier :
 • Miss Emelie Bentley  • Carmen Rivera  • Lorenzo Van Vacuum


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