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Barefoot Confidential 60

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Barefoot Confidential 60

Just as blind men walk the earth and never see the patch of poison sumac they're about to walk through, some guys have never enjoyed a woman's foot. Hard to believe, but true. If that's the case with you, here's the next best thing- a foot movie- rub one out. It's on us. Just don't be one of those poor worthless saps who've missed out on one of life's great experiences because you lack the necessities. Oh, you just broke up with your chick and she had great feet? Boo-Hoo, Boo-Hoo. Who told you to screw up a good thing?

Duration: 181 minutes
From the series: Barefoot Confidential

Studio: Kick Ass Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Barefoot Confidential 60 :
 • Jandi Lin  • Evelyn Lin  • Marie Luv  • Mickey Butder  • Bossy Delilah  • Evan Stone  • Alicia Tease  • Lee Stone  • Nicole Ray


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