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One lucky bachelor is fortunate enough to have three friends to throw him the party of a lifetime before he takes the big plunge. They order up some gorgeous pros and the steamy scenes of blowjobs, hand jobs, and anal begin! But these girls are up to no good. They wake up tied up with all of the groom's money missing, and the plane tickets for the honeymoon! The burned quartet find the thieving whores, and get his precious belongings back, but you have to wonder, was it a sign that he shouldn't get married? Is he betrothed banging his best friend in his own house? This is a cautionary tale of the perils of married life, and the fucking one will miss out on!

Duration: 84 minutes

Directed by: Max Bellocchio 
Studio: Salieri Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Destino :
 • Serena Fixen  • Lauro Giotto  • Jenny Blair  • Nikki Montana  • Simon Larry  • Lilly Lovely  • Max Bellocchio  • Linda Brooks  • Frank Major  • Nick Forte  • Attila Dori  • Tom Dickens  • Mandy Bright  • Cindy Lords


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