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Gloria has a show which has very poor ratings. If she does not double her ratings by the end of two weeks, then she and her show will be goners. Luckily for her, a scheming man broadcasting himself from an unknown location has an idea for her... All he asks for is her body. Reluctantly, she agrees and finds that his bright idea were hardcore porno videos, and it turns out to be a complete debacle. Or was it? Soon Gloria is surrounded by wealth, a healthy fan base, and enough status to get her body for three lifetimes, and it's time for the man to collect on the debt owed to him. Just what is it that he truly wants?

Duration: 84 minutes

Studio: Western Visuals 

Watch these pornstars in K.U.N.T. TV :
 • Rene Bliss  • Stephanie Rage  • Tanya Foxx  • Jessica Lange  • Renee Morgan  • Jacqueline Lorians  • Nick Random  • Randy West  • Frankie Leigh  • Mike Horner  • Billy Dee


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