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Spanked Wives And Cuckolds 2: Amber Rayne

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Spanked Wives And Cuckolds 2: Amber Rayne

"Thank you Daddy" is a terribly powerful phrase for someone such as this big bald guy sitting in a blue-gray couch. The wife gives him just what he wants, after she realizes her "place", as well as her husband's in the grand scheme of things. What wimp he is, sniveling at his own cowardice as his wife fucks the shit out of this other guy. A real man wouldn't stand for this, and he wouldn't be gullible enough to allow such a situation to be sustained as this one was...such is the life of a cuckold.

Duration: 35 minutes
From the series: Spanked Wives And Cuckolds
Directed by: Michael Kahn 
Studio: Michael Kahn Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Spanked Wives And Cuckolds 2: Amber Rayne :
 • Amber Rayne


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