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Daddy's Bondage Babes

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Daddy's Bondage Babes

A CRUEL step-daddy and his teen girls have 5 separate scenes that will shock, amaze and get you ROCK HARD!! Scene one has Briana, a hot 19 year old tied to her bed and big daddy takes a 4 foot dildo to her and his BIG cock, Every hole is used and cum in and she MUST OBEY! 18 year old Crissy is in scene two where she is locked up in a small dog cage and has to drink from the dogs bowl, made to swallow cum and tossed on a mattress where step-daddy has his way with her and her hot holes!! Scene three is Briana again and this time, she's bound, gagged and FUCKED in every position you can think of! There's NOTHING she can do but comply with his demands or face the consequences! Misty in scene four gets tied up, used, whipped, spanked and made to do her little girlfriends bidding but when they are caught by their step daddy, he makes them BOTH pay a heavy, cum filled and painful price!! Crissy gets her step-daddy to give up his cock and cum in scene five and she is joined by Misty in a VERY cum filled scene and the girls can't seem to get enough cum to satisfy them!!

Duration: 62 minutes

Studio: Trix Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Daddy's Bondage Babes :
 • Briana  • Misty  • Crissy


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