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Bustin A Nut

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Bustin A Nut

These guys are all straight, and they have only one thing on their minds...Bustin A Nut! Big Russ took a little while to loosen up. This was the first time he's ever done anything like this, and claims that he is "straight as an arrow", but says he doesn't get laid much. Since Russ told me he was 100% straight, it's going to be my mission to get him to do "more". Chip is Bi-sexual and not the least bit shy. He loves to be naked, and if there's someone there to watch him, that's even better! James is straight, and says that he's not Bi, but he's messed around with a guy one time when he and one of his buddies got real drunk one night. He said, "It just happened". Chuck is a straight surfer dude that met through this chick over at the beach. Chuck tells me that he gets into surfing a bit, and I hear he's pretty good. He's very laid back, and was so shy I could hardly get him to talk at first. He's got those "take me home" puppy dog eyes that are just irresistible. AND...when he took off his pants and his big dick flopped out I could hardly contain myself. He kind of laughed a little as I gawked at it, and then blushed because "It's not even hard" he said. I assured him that it was NO PROBLEM. He's so modest, and I thought that just made him even HOTTER!

Duration: 78 minutes
From the series: Bustin A Nut
Directed by: Buzz West 
Studio: Buzz West 

Watch these pornstars in Bustin A Nut :
 • Chuck Noble  • Big Russ  • Chip  • James Rick


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