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Roadtrip 14: Hollywood

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Roadtrip 14: Hollywood

Hurray for Hollywood and its casting couch with 6 new models ready for their closeup and much more! "To survive in Hollywood, you need the ambition of a Latin-American revolutionary, the ego of a grand opera tenor, and the physical stamina of a cow pony." And that about sums it up for our six sex-crazed newbies hitting Tinsel Town and hoping to make it big in Jocks' Road Trip 14.

Duration: 87 minutes
From the series: Road Trip
Directed by: Peter Romero 
Studio: Jocks Falcon Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in Roadtrip 14: Hollywood :
 • Damon Audugier  • Jacob Wright  • JJ  • Junior  • Jake Steele  • Chasen


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