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Choke Your Chicken

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Choke Your Chicken

Beefy stud Lane finds a dildo in a drawer when he was nosing around for some lube and doesn't waste any time getting it up his tight little ass! Brian is a straight guy and told me that all of his friends keep telling him that he should get into porn because he has a big dick. One of those friends introduced him to me. The intro went something like, "This is Brain, he has a huge dick." I said, "Oh really, let me see." Without hesitation he drops his pants and sure enough... Big Fat Floppy dick! Did I mention he shoots a HUGE load? Jordon is a smooth talking straight stud that joined the Navy to study Nuclear Engineering! You will fall in love with this one! Vic said he's mostly into girls, but was curious and willing to maybe do some experimenting with guys! He jerks off while watching himself in the mirror across the granite floor in front of him. HOT!

Duration: 71 minutes

Directed by: Buzz West 
Studio: Buzz West 

Watch these pornstars in Choke Your Chicken :
 • Jordon  • Lane  • Brian  • Vic


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