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Homo Punx

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Homo Punx

The photographer Jake has had enough of shooting boring fashion photos. After slipping one of the bitchy models some drugs his assistant Milan Gamiani fucks the living daylights out of him. But after getting a taste of some righteous sex he only wants to do more in front of the camera.The gorgeous young Frenchman Brice Farmer is visiting Berlin. Searching for a place to stay he ends up in a run-down flat share. His new roommates are poor, sexy and dont let any opportunity slip by them. In the evenings they party and fuck. On the next day they drag Brice to a porn shoot.In front of gaudy scenery and in weird clothing a horde of lads first happily drop their pants and then get down to business with each other. With dicks hanging in the breeze they dont just pose pretty for the camera. In the changing room Latino stud Paolo gives himself onto poor Carlo, shoving his XXL-cock in every available hole. Even the initially shy Brice warms up to the situation and quickly takes two tight-bodied lads one after the other. Stuffed animals get bestially abused and in the end a cake fight turns into a piggy orgy. Sex at the edge of tastelessness but theres plenty of cream!

Duration: 110 minutes

Directed by: Jörg Andreas 
Studio: Cazzo Film 

Watch these pornstars in Homo Punx :
 • Carlo Rivas  • Brice Farmer  • Milan Gamiani  • Florian Manns  • Jake Corwin  • Paolo Lecker


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