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Pinups Blondes

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Pinups Blondes

If youre one of those gentlemen who prefers blonds, then Bel Amis latest release, Pinups: Blondes, will be right up your alley. If you enjoy still photography and wonder how talented photographers go about the envious job of photographing virile young men in provocatively naked poses, then this video will be erotically informative. The best of Bel Amis Internet photo shoots, taken from the companys extensive achieves, showcases fourteen handsome lads wholl also reveal, after a vigorous posing session, how they go about releasing the pent-up tensions that build up in their loins during the long, grueling shoots.

Duration: 100 minutes
From the series: The Best Of Belami Photosessions
Directed by: George Duroy 
Studio: Bel Ami 

Watch these pornstars in Pinups Blondes :
 • Kipp Grodecki  • Timothy Culkin  • Benjamin Bloom  • Tommy Jones  • Michel Wiik  • Ivan Schiffer  • Luke Hamill  • Jody Windsor  • Ethan Clarke  • Ryan Hurley  • Dolph Lambert  • Remy Tissier  • Troy Allen  • Etienne Pauliac


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