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A Plus 2: The Personal Trainers Grade Their Final Students

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A Plus 2: The Personal Trainers Grade Their Final Students

Who wouldnt love to be a fly on the proverbial wall, watching new candidates being trained to have sexpresumably for the very first timewith other guys? In the finale to the second series of Personal Trainers we come closest to being that lucky fly. With Josh Elliot, Sebastian Bonnet, Alex Orioli and Manuel Rios, "the team puts the final group of trainees through their paces." Luke Hamill, who was a trainee himself in A+, now trains newbies in Bel Amis current release, A+2. Josh is in the Bel Ami office on a Saturday, busily working playing video games on the company computer. He gives Marty Stevens the excuse hes on his break as he awaits the arrival of Luke with their trainee for the day, Yann Tiersen, the cover boy. Yann is "a little bit of a rebel" who wants to be a waiter, even though his parents sent him to business school. Plus, "hes a complete party animal." He should fit right in at Bel Ami for the boys definitely know how to party.

Duration: 106 minutes
From the series: A Plus
Directed by: Marty Stevens 
Studio: Bel Ami 

Watch these pornstars in A Plus 2: The Personal Trainers Grade Their Final Students :
 • Ennio Guardi  • Cody Clark  • Alex Orioli  • Sean Berrett  • Erik Bouna  • Sebastian Bonnet  • Yann Tiersen  • Josh Elliot  • Luke Hamill


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