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Freddie's British Granny Fuck 17

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Freddie's British Granny Fuck 17

Freddie, G and Arthur return for Freddie's British Granny Fuck 17. Masquerading as plumbers, G is told by Freddie not to look under the bucket, but his curiosity gets him completely soaked by the high pressure hose pipe. Grannie Hotlips takes pity on him and doesn't want him to catch his death, so she takes him upstairs to get him out of his wet clothes. A bit of water hasn't dampened G's ardour and he is soon flushing Hotlips' chute out with his own thick hose! Freddie and Arthur, the luckless duo, try and get old gal Mandy's waste disposal unit working again and Arthur loses his shirt, much to Mandy's delight! She informs the guys that her plumbing is blocked and Arthur assures her that he has the right plunger for the job!

Duration: 91 minutes
From the series: Freddie's British Granny Fuck
Directed by: Fat Freddie 
Studio: Load Enterprises Freddie 

Watch these pornstars in Freddie's British Granny Fuck 17 :
 • Hot Lips  • G  • Julie  • Sabrina  • Mandy  • Freddie (Load Enterprises)


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