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Oh No, There's A Negro In My Wife 4

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Oh No, There's A Negro In My Wife 4

You are a sensible man. You have always known that your wife would eventually cheat on you. Probably with a younger guy. But, you figured you'd make the best of it. Become friends, maybe even give him a job. What you didn't count on was that the man inside your wife would be a big, dirty, Negro. They do drugs and shoot people. They sure as fuck don't work. Your only option now is to sit, watch, and crack open a window to air the pot smell out.

Duration: 107 minutes
From the series: Oh No, There's A Negro In My Wife
Directed by: Cram and Grip Johnson 
Studio: Chatsworth Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Oh No, There's A Negro In My Wife 4 :
 • Christine Michaels  • Vannah Sterling  • Rayveness  • Claudia Valentine


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