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Austrian porn actress, Renee Pornero, is celebrating her comeback. Not as a performer, but more as a director. Her debut entitled Viennese, a feature-length vignette film, is experiencing a strong early response. Another milestone in her career, a welcomed alternation in the local scene, a ray of hope on the porn sky. "I love the work in front of the camera, but it was time to convert my experiences and ideas into action. I am seeing so many possibilities to act innovatively and can't stand it to see the market stagnating. Everywhere they are just topping each other's sex acts and everything just repeats itself, but the quality of the movies really suffers from this fact. Often the movies are interesting topic-wise, but once it comes to the sex part it all goes back to stereotyped acts. I am missing the drive and most of all the passions."

Duration: 93 minutes

Directed by: Renee Pornero 
Studio: Magmafilm 

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 • Beccy Lavender  • Sarah Rose  • Will Steiger  • Fiercedragon  • Climax Hyper  • KimKim De  • Elizabeth Lawrence  • David Pfister  • Lee Henshaw  • Ray Stalker


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