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Spanking Some Divas

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Spanking Some Divas

Maklaryn. First there was that gaundy tattoo she never told about and then there were those five or so extra pounds, she brought along with her, but the clincher was the insufferable attitiude. In a thrice, the sultry bimbo is hauled across our man's lap where her pale and all too ample butt cheeks are thrashed without pause or mercy. Shrill screams bounce off the walls as ponderious beasts do likewise off his legs but he notices not for his full and undivided attention is focused upon getting to the bottom of this not so small problem.

Duration: 56 minutes

Studio: Red Hot Video 

Watch these pornstars in Spanking Some Divas :
 • Maklaryn  • Mr. Red Hot  • Alexis  • Liz Tyler


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