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Jess West

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Jess West

Jess walks into the bedroom removing her white cotton pants and yellow tank top. Then she removes her mint-green bra and panties. She lies back on the bed, touching her clit and pussy. Jess tries the red lipstick vibe for a moment, before opting on the silver bullet vibe. Almost instantly she is moaning and happy. Did I mention Jess cums quickly? Well, she does! She turns the toy to high power and begins to softly moan. Its not long at all before Jess cums but she tries to stop it. She has a few contractions, then she continues to enjoy the toy without ever missing a beat. Jess smiles and pulls the toy away for a moment just to calm down for a moment. The toy goes back on her cooch, and its getting slightly swollen around her perineum. Its not long at all before Jess allows herself to completely enjoy a full orgasm and its full of nice, visible contractions. She smiles when shes finished and the camera zooms in for a cooch and face close-up.

Duration: 42 minutes
From the series: Real Female Orgasms - Femorg

Studio: FemOrg 

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