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Sorority Hazing Horror

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Sorority Hazing Horror

Nominated for "Best BDSM Release" for an AVN award and selected for the "Best Ensemble Performace of the Year" by Beverly Hills Outlook we bring you Sorority Hazing Horror. Raw Heavy Hardcore BDSM! Privileged sorority girls (Ariel Hope, Sula) get off on hazing- so they're taking a hapless pledge (Bunny) to what they think is a creepy abandoned house. They plan to make her spend the night blindfolded and terrified all to prove herself worthy of joining their elitist sorority. But the rich bitches get the tables turned on them when it turns out their hazing headquarters is actually occupied by two psychos who take their cues from the Manson family.

Duration: 80 minutes

Directed by: Mistress D 
Studio: Severe Society Films 

Watch these pornstars in Sorority Hazing Horror :
 • Sula  • Ariel Hope  • Sir Nik  • Bunny


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