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Criminal Intent

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Criminal Intent

Christian Luka is taking a train ride to visit a friend. When he arrives at his destination Lukas Kovarik steals his backpack. Lukas getting his bag back is the heart of the story but the cast getting their rocks off is what is guaranteed to grab you. Alan Schiller meets Luka while naughty thief Kovarik jumps into a cab driven by Reno Hachek. In true Studio 2000 tradition, cagey Kovarik is soon creating a moving violation by blowing horny Hahek in the cab. The scene shifts to a big red sofa in a well-appointed apartment and the two proceed to treat each other to bounteous blowjobs, which lead to both popping puddles of pudding.

Duration: 84 minutes

Directed by: Jan Novak 
Studio: Studio 2000 

Watch these pornstars in Criminal Intent :
 • Leon Ramon  • Ivan Rohan  • Tom Novy  • Zoli Gethlen  • Christian Luka  • Rosta Patrik  • Peter Nemet  • Lukas Festa  • Reno Hacek


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