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Captives In Bondage 5

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Captives In Bondage 5

Their Pleas For Mercy Went Unheard. Two devious criminals are shown a house by Ariel, a sophisticated realtor with a sexy British accent. Ariel soon learns that the goons want the house so they can commit a robbery. Ariel is tightly bound with rope, gagged and blindfolded. She's left to struggle helplessly in her hot red mini-dress... until the guys decide to have some fun. Ariel is cruelly fondled, groped and humiliated. She is made to strip naked and ends up bound in a closet, gagged with her own dirty panty hose. But Ariel has a plan of her own and the story comes to a thrilling conclusion!

Duration: 71 minutes

Studio: Anton Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Captives In Bondage 5 :
 • Ariel Anderssen  • Darby  • Charlotte Stokely


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