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The Intern

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The Intern

Going on coffee runs, copying documents, answering phones, typing emails... and stocking up on lube? When you're an intern at a gay adult entertainment company, it's all in a day's work. Lucas Entertainment exclusive Ben Andrews stars in the sex comedy "The Intern," where Botox-injecting bosses (Michael Lucas), sassy assistants (new Lucas exclusive Christian Cruz), and beefy delivery men (Matt Cole) abound. "Ugly" Benny maneuvers his way through the wacky, sexy offices of Trojan Studios, but his co-workers soon discover he may have a "bigger" talent in his pants.

Duration: 118 minutes

Directed by: Tony DiMarco 
Studio: Lucas Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in The Intern :
 • Christian Cruz  • Zack Randall  • Jason Ridge  • Jonathan Vargas  • Ben Andrews  • Ray Star  • Michael Lucas  • Jimmy Tripps  • Derrick Hanson  • Matt Cole


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