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Water Rats

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Water Rats

A voyage at sea can splash it and squirt it all over you. Andreas wants to take a hot excursion on Berlin's waterways with some of his mates. Felix unfortunately isn't sea worthy because he's tied up and home, where a sailor's big fat rope needs his attention. Meanwhile on board everyone's got their treasures off, having a good time in the bunks. On deck those masts are being given a good scrub and the only thing that is going to cool these hot pistons down is a dive into the lake. After all this hot summer action, Andreas isn't allowed to take a break. He has to deal with a cheeky nocturnal burglar and give him a good hammering. Then the only thing that's going to be stolen here is sperm and plenty of it.

Duration: 79 minutes

Studio: Wurstfilm Dark Alley 

Watch these pornstars in Water Rats :
 • Brice Farmer  • Marcel  • Andreas Stich  • Iron  • Ivan Daniloff  • Nikolas Baur  • Lars Freimann  • Felix Morris  • Florian Manns  • Neo Ryan


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