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Viva Ibiza

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Viva Ibiza

Nestled in the Mediterranean Sea, between Barcelona, Spain and the Northern African coast of Algeria, the island of Ibiza is the perfect destination for people the world over to come and bask in the Mediterranean sun, frolic in the foamy sea, and make love on the island's warm sandy beaches. In Viva Ibiza! Sleepless on Ibiza six young vacationers come to enjoy the abundant beauty of the island... and each other. Here on Ibiza, they discover golden days filled with sun, sex and fun. And their hot nights are simply not going to be wasted on sleep.

Duration: 89 minutes
From the series: Viva Ibiza
Directed by: Kurt Joaquim Foerster 
Studio: Foerster Media 

Watch these pornstars in Viva Ibiza :
 • Chrissy (Foerster)  • Mario (Foerster)  • Ryan (m)  • Rene Jolie  • Karim Al Wahid  • Pit Appennino  • Marc Spitz  • Anthony Reeves  • David  • Nick (Foerster)


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