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Cum Eating Cuckolds 10

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Cum Eating Cuckolds 10

Gaya Patal grew up in an environment where the only cuckolds were old merchants in Shakespearean plays whose young supple wives cheated on them with the traveling balladeers. Boy, have times changed. Now that she's in porn, and no longer a student of the Bard, Gaya can't take a sonnet without tripping over an old cuck - or a young one for that matter. A hip lady, Gaya makes no moral judgments about what turns men on, though - even if it's other men. Scary, isn't it? Guys getting all goose pimply over another guy's man bag? Willy didn't have the words to describe that.

Duration: 106 minutes
From the series: Cum Eating Cuckolds

Studio: Kick Ass Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Cum Eating Cuckolds 10 :
 • Gaya Petal  • Les Moore  • Julius Ceazher  • Judy Marie  • Brian Pumper  • Jimmy Broadway  • Tyler Knight  • Leona Dulce


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