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Hollywood Hustlers

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Hollywood Hustlers

If theres one thing about sex that remains constant in our world, its that everyone pays for it. You may not shell out any cash, but in some way each and every one of us, pays for sex. Sometimes the easiest, cheapest way, is to just pick up some trade on the street, throw him a few bucks, get your rocks off, and send him on his way. No emotional ties, or attachments, just good clean fun.

Duration: 70 minutes

Directed by: Peter Romero 
Studio: Channel 1 Releasing Catalina 

Watch these pornstars in Hollywood Hustlers :
 • Scott Wilde  • Carlo Cox  • Sal Correlli  • Steve Rambo  • Brad Hanson  • Jeff Magnum  • Dante Foxx  • Hank Real


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