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Jenna's Provocateur

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Jenna's Provocateur

Once in a generation, a visionary comes along; one who is able to capture true emotions on film to uncover every man and woman's deepest fantasies...and satisfy them. When that visionary happens to be an icon...and the greatest adult star to ever grace the silver screen...the experience is unimaginable. Jenna Jameson has entered a realm where the lines between fantasy and reality have blurred, and she has made that realm materialize on film in her directorial debut. Jenna's depraved fantasies played out by her contract stars, Jesse Capelli, Krystal Steal, Sophia Rossi, Mckenzie Lee, Ashton Moore and the newest Club Jenna superstar Chanel St. James. As Jenna says "I have put my dreams into action; I have melded Couture with Triple X. I designed each frame of this film in my mind first, and now my imagining is realized." Each scene takes it's star to the brink of her sexuality and tests their limits...It is beauty unrivaled...

Duration: 100 minutes

Directed by: Jenna Jameson 
Studio: Club Jenna 

Watch these pornstars in Jenna's Provocateur :
 • Scott Nails  • Ben English  • Krystal Steal  • Ashton Moore  • Jesse Capelli  • Marco Duato  • Melissa Lauren  • McKenzie Lee  • Evan Stone  • Sophia Rossi  • Barrett Blade  • Chanel St. James  • Earl Slate  • Manuel Ferrara


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