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Filthy's First Taste 2

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Filthy's First Taste 2

1st Time on Camera... Ever! Get ready for another wild showcase of the cutest, most naive, first timers you've ever seen. You won't believe your eyes as these innocent girls get rammed, jammed and thank you ma'amed for the first time ever!!! Watch for pickup to pop when our studs out wit the cleverest of girls and they show us that there is a porn-star in every girl just dying to come out. Given the right opportunity these darlings finally get a chance to have a delicious helping of their first taste.

Duration: 122 minutes
From the series: Filthy's First Taste
Directed by: Cezar Capone 
Studio: Club Jenna Filthy Films 

Watch these pornstars in Filthy's First Taste 2 :
 • Ellie Idol  • Lia Lopez  • Jay  • Julissa Delor  • Kinzie Jo  • Jordan Ashley  • Ramon  • Haylo


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