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Delinquents On Butt Row

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Delinquents On Butt Row

This classic 1996 Joey Silvera picture has a mouth-watering selection of foxy Butt Row hooligans to aid your masturbatory enjoyment. Cute Nadia Moore meets Peter North on the beach, then sucks his cock in back of his car on the way back to his apartment. Fresh-faced recent graduate Shawne is a voluptuous, shy Asian girl who gets picked up at the bus stop, and sucks and fucks both Buttman and Joey in turn. Holly Mason is a big blonde in a cheerleader's outfit who is captured fingering her pussy in the kitchen. She surprises Mark Davis outside with a blowjob. April Diamonds and Ashley Shye have their pussies shaved clean by Tom Byron, just prior to a three-girl-two-guy group fuck that gets underway via the cocksucking talents of curly-haired Devon Shore. And Stephanie Swift uses her tiny mouth on pretty, crispy-haired Shawna. Finally, the director himself receives a little oral treat from Stephanie. A happy ending for all!

Duration: 133 minutes
From the series: On Butt Row
Directed by: Joey Silvera 
Studio: Evil Angel Joey Silvera Video 

Watch these pornstars in Delinquents On Butt Row :
 • April Diamond  • Shawna Edwards  • Tom Byron  • Joey Silvera  • John Stagliano  • Joey Edwards  • Ashley Skye  • Devon Shore  • Nadia Moore  • Peter North  • Holly Mason  • Shawn E.  • Taylor Sinclair  • Mark Davis  • Mya Luv  • Stephanie Swift  • Michael J. Cox


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