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Take My Fist

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Take My Fist

He came out of the blue: Fabio Comelli. This Italian piece of dynamite certainly knows what he wants and how to get it: he doesn't ask, he just takes. The firm begins on a sunny afternoon in an upstairs bedroom where Janiel takes a rest. Not for long because Fabio comes in and uses him like a piece of meat. He takes cock, hands, feet, spanking, and spit. Dragged around like a dog he has to fulfill Fabio's demands.

Duration: 116 minutes

Directed by: Rick Strauss 
Studio: Dark Alley Prime Pork Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Take My Fist :
 • Janiel Sand  • Piero Strada  • Fabio Comelli  • Javier De Cerdo


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