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Will's Bareback Initiation

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Will's Bareback Initiation

Will's Bareback Initiation is a terrific Rentboy UK dvd. The action takes place down on the farm, where Will is the unpopular rich boy who uses his position to have sex with several of the farm lads. Lots of shagging in the sunshine results, with cock-sucking, rimming and sixty-nining. Eventually, the young snob is sure to get his cum-uppance, and when he confronts the young farm hands in the barn, they gang up on him. By the end of the scene the posh boy is all fucked out and the guys shoot their hot loads over his face before allowing him to wank himself off. That'll teach him!

Duration: 120 minutes

Studio: Load Enterprises Rentboy UK 

Watch these pornstars in Will's Bareback Initiation :
 • Will Forbes  • Jesse (m)  • Preston  • Timmy Slater  • Kyle Martin  • Dave Heydon  • Maverick  • Alex Russian


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