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Sensuaous Cat-Fights: Glazed and Dazed

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Sensuaous Cat-Fights: Glazed and Dazed

After Jennifer reveals she had a dream that she was with Kate's boyfriend, the two scantily clad beauties engage in a playful pillow fight. But when their verbal jabs reveal some genuine hostility, the horseplay turns to robust hair pulling, clothes ripping, nipple-pinching and over the knee spanking. Exhausted, the two collapse into each other's arms and fall asleep. Now in a wistful dream, the lovely pair resume their cat-fight, this time in the ring with bottles of baby oil to squirt. Slipping, sliding and slapping, the two climb all over each other's glistening bodies in the wildest, wettest, girl grapple ever!

Duration: 52 minutes

Studio: Napali Video 

Watch these pornstars in Sensuaous Cat-Fights: Glazed and Dazed :
 • Kate Frost  • Jennifer Steele


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