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College Amateur Tour 2: Midwest

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College Amateur Tour 2: Midwest

100% Real College Girl Amateurs This time, we took a bad ass RV and drove all around the Midwest in search of some real amateur college booty! After tons of strikeouts, I feared my skills were finally going to let me down, but then I managed to nail a spicy Latin three-way, a co-ed who enjoyed it in the ass, a few sweet country girls, and one busty brunette. It's all about the odds baby. It just goes to show real girls know how to get down...and get dirty!

Duration: 150 minutes
From the series: College Amateur Tour
Directed by: Jack Venice 
Studio: Shane's World 

Watch these pornstars in College Amateur Tour 2: Midwest :
 • Yolanda  • Jack Venice  • Renee  • Mona  • Rachel Lyn  • Tiffany  • Alyse MacMillan


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