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Jack (Brad Armstrong) decides too save money and look for a roommate, after his girlfriend (Asa Akira) walks out on him. Hes less than impressed by the selection of applicants, that is, until Ally (Kirsten Price) shows up at the door. Ally is stunning, and his friends cant talk Jack into moving her in quick enough Thats when the fun begins. For everyone but Jack that is. He has a self-imposed No Sex With Roommates policy, but Allys making it very difficult to stick to. In the end, after shes had sex with half the neighborhood (Rhyse Richards, Randy Spears, TJ Cummings, and Kris Slater) Jack cant take it any more, and gives in. But by now, the quirky roomies have actually fallen in love with each other and like any good Hollywood movie Live Happily Ever After Oh, and have great sex!

Duration: 117 minutes

Directed by: Brad Armstrong 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in Roommates :
 • Kirsten Price  • Kris Slater  • T.J. Cummings  • Asa Akira  • Randy Spears  • Rhyse Richards  • Brad Armstrong  • Tommy Gunn


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