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Open Day

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Open Day

Young Carlos Isaza is desperate. His brother Marcos is out of control. And that's why Carlos is checking out St. Samuel's Academy in Bogota, well known for it's success in turning difficult students around. But, as Carlos and Marcos explore, it's clear that the Academy's a pretty extraordinary place in other ways too. Whether they're in the gym, the doctor's surgery, the dining hall, the classrooms, or the dormitories, the St. Samuel's students seem to have just one thing on their minds, SEX! and, as the Isaza brothers soon find out, every single one of them is right on target for an "A" grade too. You're invited to join Carlos and Marcos on their Open Day tour. And remember- at St. Samuel's Academy everything's open for inspection!

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: Alex Chavez 
Studio: Twink Academy Films 

Watch these pornstars in Open Day :
 • Rodrigo Garcia  • Juan Carlos Giraldo  • Cleto Granados  • Carlos Isaza  • Pedro Gonzales  • Marcos Isaza  • Roberto Rodrigues  • Gabriel Valderrama  • Luis Salazar  • Juan Moreno  • Julio Fernandez


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