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Wet Dreams

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Wet Dreams

Jewell Marceau must have borrowed money from the wrong bank! Having taken out a private loan unknowing of the danger attached to this undercover transaction, Jewell is taken by surprise when these sadistic minded villains come to collect from Miss Jewell using their own treacherous methods of payback! This movie proceeds as a dream sequence of struggling, submission, pleading for mercy, yet begging for more with each blink of an eye Jewell, realizes this alternative of a payback seems to be suiting her just fine. Watch as the mysterious and lovely vixen Simone Kross gains control of Jewell with some strict bondage, caning, flogging, penetration, and finally a golden shower to mark her territory!

Duration: 64 minutes

Directed by: Jewell Marceau 
Studio: Jewell Marceau Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Wet Dreams :
 • Byron Knight  • Jewell Marceau  • Simone Kross


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