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Pacific Rim

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Pacific Rim

This totally Asian cast video sets out to make a Godzilla-like movie. Of course what they really wind up doing is having sex. The video is set up with five scenes, all oral, all the time. There is very little variation. The first scene is with the film's Director and his assistant. Mr. Director's body is totally hairless and has his nipple pierced. Neither of these guy's has a particularly impressive dick, but the scene is pretty hot and the Director rewards us with a copious cum shot.

Duration: 67 minutes

Directed by: Mitchell Dunne 
Studio: Channel 1 Releasing Catalina 

Watch these pornstars in Pacific Rim :
 • Jet Lee  • Dai Wang  • Mark Lee  • Tony Tetsuro  • Tony An  • Christian Lee  • Kevin Yung  • Tishiro Ho  • Kevin Tran Nguyen


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