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Let Loose

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Let Loose

Steve Rambo is a designer who's mounting -so to speak -a fashion show in San Francisco. His latest ad inspires a two fisted jack off from big dicked Joe Hartford in the opening scene. Mitch Ryder plays an assistant who has a special way of recharging burned out model Billy Knight's batteries. Apparently standing around in your underwear all day can be really exhausting. Billy wants an injection of vitamin B12, but he has to settle for a seven and a half-inch injection of man meat instead.

Duration: 76 minutes

Directed by: Josh Eliot 
Studio: Channel 1 Releasing Catalina 

Watch these pornstars in Let Loose :
 • Joe Hartford  • Mitch Ryder  • Jason Ball  • Casey Williams  • Franko Parezzi  • Steve Rambo  • Billy Knight  • Andrew Addams  • Michael Brandon  • Mike Radclif  • Adam Winters  • Mark Reed


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