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Girl-Girl Hardcore: Girls Desired

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Girl-Girl Hardcore: Girls Desired

Cleo, Keilyn, and Larissa are the ultimate Australian hotties who love sex. Raunchy red head, Larissa, and kinky Keilyn have never met. Witness the moment they lay eyes on each other for the very first time, and see their initial surprise quickly fade as their carnal instincts awaken. They start passionately kissing and exploring every curve of each other's bodies, exploding with orgasm after orgasm, and they don't even know each other's name! Larissa and Cleo start their liaison at the local caf. The attraction is electric and they decide to continue their rendezvous at home where things really heat up. Larissa and Cleo lick, suck, and fuck with energy and enthusiasm like you've never seen. The sex is so hot that they even introduce some kinky ice cube play to cool things off, but it actually just heats it up even MORE!

Duration: 125 minutes
From the series: Girl-Girl Hardcore
Directed by: Abby Winters 

Watch these pornstars in Girl-Girl Hardcore: Girls Desired :
 • Keilyn  • Cleo  • Larissa M.


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