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Palin Erection 2008

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Palin Erection 2008

Governor Sarah Palin (Raquel Devine) is on the road to the White House. As the days tick down to November 4th, she takes time out of her busy shopping sprees at Neiman Marcus to write in her journal about the final days of the upcoming election. This hot and steamy book that is destined for all the best sellers lists is filled with her private feelings about the events over the last 5 months as a "Maverick". Including her meeting across party lines with Senator Obama (Steve Driver), where she learned about Obama's "Big Stiff Policy" on foreign affairs. She talks about getting in touch with her femininity from the help of a young and beautiful republican intern (Trina Michaels). We learn the ins and outs of her private meetings with the McCain's (Mark Davis and Alana Evans) behind closed doors and we learn about the secret meeting between Mrs. Obama (Jada Fire) and Joe The Plumber (Derrick Pierce). This feature length spoof on Sarah Palin is full of one liners and hysterically funny situations along with hot hardcore sex from some of the best in the business.

Duration: 73 minutes

Directed by: Dick Tracy 
Studio: Brookland Brothers 

Watch these pornstars in Palin Erection 2008 :
 • Trina Michaels  • Jada Fire  • Alana Evans  • Steve Driver  • Derrick Pierce  • Mark Davis  • Jay Huntington  • Raquel DeVine  • Sergio


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