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Bareback Gang Bang 2

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Bareback Gang Bang 2

This is my kind of party! Peri Mazon directs this new feature for EuroSpunk, featuring some sexy, muscular guys chillin around a yard party. It doesnt take long before those beers work their magicremember, the difference between a straight guy and a gay guy is a six-pack! The first guy to take off his clothes and go for a party-cocksucking is handsome, with a huge cock that points skyward as soon as its been freed from his pants. He leans back against a metal drum while that sword gets swallowed, and the rest of the party comes closer to join in. Hands start to caress and feel his lightly hairy chest and legs, and he grins like an idiot while getting blown. Shirts come off, and those hot guys start to get together in pairs and threes for some body appreciation.

Duration: 42 minutes
From the series: Bareback Gang Bang - Spunk
Directed by: Perí Mâzon 
Studio: Spunk Video 

Watch these pornstars in Bareback Gang Bang 2 :
 • Pavel Vlasek  • Ondra  • Leo Cooper  • Skye Jensen  • Tommy Zebro  • Teo Parker  • Jimmy Clark  • Denis Reed  • Dominik Eastley  • John Cruise  • Ruben Litzki


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