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Smokin' Tailpipes

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Smokin' Tailpipes

Billy Joe and Bobby Sue steal a car and head out for a spree of theft and robbery. When the Sheriff gets the news he plans a trap for Billy Joe. The Sheriff's plans are foiled when Billy Joe escapes from the Deputy and turns-up at a local whorehouse creating quite a ruckus. Meanwhile, another Deputy reports to the Sheriff's house to find Bobby Sue has been left in mid-coitus by the Sheriff. The Deputy deflowers Bobby Sue and Billy Joe sexes-it-up with two whores while the Sheriff is left duped, alone, and holding the bag. Once again, Billy Joe is on the loose. No man's car, or marriage, is safe!

Duration: 107 minutes

Directed by: Otto Bauer 
Studio: Daring Media 

Watch these pornstars in Smokin' Tailpipes :
 • Tatianna Kush  • Barrett Blade  • Aurora Snow  • Nick Manning  • Ashli Orion  • Bree Barrett  • Jenner  • Angel Couture  • Jay Ashley  • Otto Bauer  • Lee Stone  • Audrey Hollander


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