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High School Teachers In Heat

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High School Teachers In Heat

So there I was, sitting alone and grading papers in the teacher's lounge, and feeling very horny. So horny in fact that I let my hand slide down inside my panties and began to rub my swollen clit. It felt so good that I closed my eyes and didn't even notice when Mr. Benson, a math teacher, walked in. He must have noticed my "fragrance", because the next thing I felt was his hand on my breast. Suddenly the door was locked. We screwed so hard the whole school must have heard us. I know the other teachers did, because they suggested that we teachers should meet here regularly to "compare notes". Hey, horny teachers need sex too!

Duration: 81 minutes
From the series: High School Teachers In Heat

Studio: Temptation Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in High School Teachers In Heat :
 • Chase (m)  • Lizzy Law  • Jason Zupalo  • LC Rossi  • Hamilton Steele  • Chloe (II)  • Kelly Steele  • Kyra Rossi


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