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Cameltoe Workout 2

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Cameltoe Workout 2

Kalee was worried about her fat pussy, but Dave let her know that she should be proud of her cameltoe before he gave it a real workout with his big hard dick! When Scott took Alyssa out the park for quick jog, he couldnt help but notice her puffy pussy and perky tits, so when they came back to the house he just had to give her some "cardio training" on the cock! Lee always tries to keep it professional when he is working as a personal trainer, but Chayse needed to work her Kegel muscles, so he whipped out his dong and slammed that puffy pussy! Once Mario closed up the gym Tera Dice decided that she wanted his cock, so she ripped off his shorts and jammed his member down her throat! Tera Bentley is a blonde cheerleader who likes to hit the punching bag and do sit-ups, but she didnt feel the burn until John pumped her with his cock!

Duration: 141 minutes
From the series: Cameltoe Workout
Directed by: Stoney Curtis Chucky Sleaze 
Studio: Lethal Hardcore 

Watch these pornstars in Cameltoe Workout 2 :
 • John Espizedo  • Phil Yorgash  • Scott Lyons  • Tera Dice  • Allyssa Hall  • Tara Bentley  • Dave Hardman  • Kalee Hunter  • Lee Stone  • Chayse Evans


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