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ShowGuys 306: Rod Barry And Tucker Forrest

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ShowGuys 306: Rod Barry And Tucker Forrest

Due to the unfortunate accident of losing his passport en route, porn super star Rod Barry, who was on his way to film in Argentina, was stranded in Miami. So Argentinas misfortune was to ShowGuys and Tucker Forrests benefit. Rod starts in his very revealing shorts, and Tucker in his gym pants. And very soon, due to the heavy kissing and feeling around each others bodies, noticeable bulges appear in the crotch area. The pants and shorts come off revealing Tuckers familiar large penis, and Rods unfamiliar extra long and thick one.

Duration: 46 minutes
From the series: Showguys
Directed by: Sam Linnell 

Watch these pornstars in ShowGuys 306: Rod Barry And Tucker Forrest :
 • Rod Barry  • Tucker Forrest


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