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Voyeur And Spanker Couples - French

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Voyeur And Spanker Couples - French

To spice up their sex life, Henry and Helene take an interest in the lovemaking of their very odd spanker neighbors and end up participating in rather special sexual games...but just wait until other voyeurs spot them.This work of fascinating perversity - which would become a cult film - drew a record number of spectators when it debuted in Paris on September 21, 1977 in Alpha-France cinemas.

Duration: 63 minutes

Directed by: Francis Leroy 

Watch these pornstars in Voyeur And Spanker Couples - French :
 • Ursula White  • Liza Storfenberg  • John Oury  • Guy Royer  • Willy Braque  • Elisabeth Buré  • Danielle Deslandes


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