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Phattys Rhymes And Dimes 8

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Phattys Rhymes And Dimes 8

B. Pumper pursues both rap recording and gonzo porn with the same singleminded passion. He casts both one-time-only debutantes and industry sluts in nasty, hip hop-influenced productions flavored with bangin' beats and Pumper's own inimitable flow. Most of his joints feature tailor-made BP rap videos, and each release in his Phattys Rhymes & Dimes series even includes a bonus music disc for the true fans. Pumper is a multimedia artist who always puts the needs of his public up front.

Duration: 169 minutes
From the series: Phattys Rhymes And Dimes
Directed by: Brian Pumper 
Studio: Evil Angel B. Pumper Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Phattys Rhymes And Dimes 8 :
 • Toni Sweets  • Melody Nakai  • Nat Turner  • Brian Pumper  • Alay Milan  • Krystal  • Lacy Davis


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