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Tag-Team Strap-On

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Tag-Team Strap-On

One woman in the throes of a snarl is bad enough. Two teamed up on the rag or whatever makes them that way is unbridled afternoon mayhem. As a result, mankind is doomed, sucking up these banshees. Banks are closing, and other sacred institutions we hold near and dear are crumbling. Forget what you've read as an excuse. It's because men are now taking it up the ass. What happened to that old fashioned slap in the kisser or a slug from a .45 attitude? Gone, baby, gone. And the guys in this movie are the reason. Time to beat 'em or join 'em.

Duration: 103 minutes

Directed by: Glenn Baren 
Studio: Kick Ass Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Tag-Team Strap-On :
 • Les Moore  • Dusty (m)  • Cody Hunter  • Bossy Delilah  • Angel Daisy  • Mistress D  • Katya Larina  • Nikki Coxxx  • Jimmy Broadway


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