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Tommy Lima In Brazil 2: In The Jungle

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Tommy Lima In Brazil 2: In The Jungle

After a visit to the beach in Tommy Lima in Brazil 1: On the Beach, Tommy travels into the jungle where he meets some of his beach-bum buddies as well as some new studs. These guys cruise the jungle like pros. They watch out for people who might walk up and catch them, fuck with abandon to get the nut they are there for, and pull up their pants as soon as they are done to head on up the trail. Tommy's proven to be an insatiable bottom in this series as he turns out his ass for every guy who wants it.

Duration: 97 minutes
From the series: Tommy Lima In Brazil
Directed by: Alexander 
Studio: Alexander Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Tommy Lima In Brazil 2: In The Jungle :
 • Francisco Macedo  • Cosme Diaz  • Marcelo Mastro  • Vidal Silva  • Rodrigo Bekmann  • Vasco Fernandez  • Alex Mello  • Adrian Correa  • Tommy Lima  • Mario Coelho


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