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A wealthy black doctor, Treat Morgan, recounts his rags-to-riches story from the back seat of his Rolls Royce. As a poor young man trying to put himself through college, Treat discovers he has three assets that could earn him some cash: his big cock, his eager mouth, and his willing ass. Turning to hustling to pay his rent he takes on a variety of customers and rises to each occasion whether he's on top or on the bottom. He takes on leather man Steve Humper, graying businessman Gregory Scott and his passion for dildos, and a nervous fellow student-Domino-who admits that he is a virgin to gay sex. Treat and his friends get together for his dick, complete with whipped cream and a cherry, until they glide into a graceful round robin.

Duration: 97 minutes

Directed by: Dwight 
Studio: Bijou Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Suckcess :
 • Tony James  • Ron Cannon  • Gregory Scott  • John Push  • Treat Morgan  • Delvin Peters  • Steve Humper  • Edwin Matthews


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